Data Insights into Hartford’s Opportunity Youth
Dr. Bethany Silver of Hartford Public Schools and Dr. Ron Schack of the Charter Oak Group have compiled two data presentations on the current state of our Opportunity Youth. Exploring Early Warning Indicators examines students and the early warning cautionary signs over time and in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. HOYC Data Analysis offers an analysis of enrollment in education, employment, and training programs of Hartford’s Opportunity Youth further broken out by age, demographics, and risk factors. Please find both presentations below:
A Look at Hartford Youth Population Indicators
By Ron Schack, Ph.D., The Charter Oak Group, LLC
In 2014, The Hartford Opportunity Youth Collaborative began developing a Results-Based Accountability framework to guide and assess their work. HOYC identified a set of quality of life indicators for youth, which serve to measure the extent to which the community is achieving desired quality of life results, such as educational success, employment, and self- sufficiency…
We use data to inform our decision-making and assess impact.
In order to lay the groundwork for an informed discussion of solutions, we analyzed a variety of data to:
- Provide a clear picture of young people in Hartford including key challenges and needs
- Help clarify the social and fiscal consequences of Opportunity Youth in Hartford

We developed a Result-Based Accountability (RBA) framework with a quality of life result “Hartford Youth achieve educational success, are employed, and are self-sufficient,” to:
- Identify strategies and indicators to which they contribute
- Share aggregated, quantitative program data
- Report and distribute results
We utilize Efforts to Outcomes (ETO)™, a web-based performance management system to:
- Collect, aggregate, and report on outcomes, demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, skills attained, and services received across multiple agencies
- Support real-time, quality data management
- Generate comprehensive reports on programmatic and systemic levels
The Data & Performance Management Workgroup developed the Collaborative’s Results-Based Accountability (RBA) framework, is collecting and synthesizing data and research, and is enhancing a shared data platform and protocols. If you would like to join this workgroup, please contact us.