Workforce Trends
The Hartford Opportunity Youth Collaborative continually examine workforce trends to inform our collaborative strategy, policy, and program development. The following are some of the key workforce trends that we monitor on a regular basis, and that strongly suggest the continuing need to engage opportunity youth.
Continuing Strong Demand For Workers

Aging Workforce

Losing Workers to Outmigration
Connecticut has had population declines each year since 2014, with the 2018-2019 decrease being 6,233; bringing the 2019 annual population estimate to 3,565,287. As in many other states, Connecticut saw a steady increase of retirement age population, while the school age population (those below 25) and working age population (25-64) each experienced small but steady decreases.
As residents leave the state, Opportunity Youth will be needed to fill the jobs pipeline, replace those leaving the state, and become taxpayers to help fill the income gap left behind.

More Demand Than Supply…

Middle-Skill Gap