Jemuel East, a youth in Blue Hills Civic Association’s BHEST program, shared his story during a My Brother’s Keeper Alliance webinar.
Jem is a 23-year old native of Hartford and one of 17 young men of color being served in the BHEST program at Blue Hills Civic Association in 2015-2016 as part of Opportunity Works Hartford. The BHEST program is supported by Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Youth funds and the Social Innovation Fund (as a subgrantee of Jobs for the Future).
The goal of the webinar was to help organizations engage workforce development boards to better serve opportunity youth and boys and men of color. Other presenters included Jennifer Kemp from the U.S. Department of Labor, Alex Johnson from Capital Workforce Partners, and Kim Oliver from Capital Workforce Partners and Hartford Opportunity Youth Collaborative.
The webinar was recorded, and a link will be made available shortly. For the presentation slides, go here.
For more on My Brother’s Keeper in Hartford, go here.