FREE Online Training is Available!
Upgrade your skills, learn new skills! Get ready to get back to work!
Recommended Online Training Options:- Association for Career and Technical Education: These are resources for career development, employability skill development, project management, industry engagement and other topics.
- Career Readiness Education: Curious about careers or exploring education options? Read some of the most common questions for you and free online training options!
- GCFLEARNFREE.ORG: For almost 20 years, the GCFLearnFree.org® program has helped millions around the world learn the essential skills they need to live and work in the 21st century. From G Suite, Microsoft Office and email, to reading, math, and more, GCFLearnFree.org offers more than 200 topics on more than 2,000 lessons and 7,000 pages of content with more than 1,000 videos, and more than 50 interactives and games – all completely at no cost to you!
- GOOGLE G SUITE LEARNING CENTER (G SUITE): The G Suite Learning Center provides 10- to 15-minute micro-learning modules to equip you to use Google’s GSuite (Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drive).
- APPLIED DIGITAL SKILLS (GOOGLE FOR EDUCATION): Learn practical digital skills using Google’s free video-based lessons. G Suite tools to help sharpen your skills in these areas: Sheets, Slides, Docs, Gmail, Calendar, and Drive
- MICROSOFT DIGITAL LITERACY: Digital skills help us connect, learn, engage, and create more promising futures. Learn how to effectively use devices, Microsoft software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), and the internet to collaborate with others and discover, use and create information.
- Contact: SYELPresources@thevillage.org
Lunch Break with the Village:
The Village also offers online webinars on current issues! You can join them each month on Facebook Live as they cover topics to help you navigate the current pandemic, provide expert tips and advice, and answer your questions. Interested in watching some of these videos-- check them out below:- Topic: Allyship & Antiracism
- Topic: Racial Trauma Part Two
- Topic: Racial Trauma Part One
- Topic: Anxiety & Depression
Check out more of their resources:

My People Clinical Services (MPCS) is a mission driven, community based social service organization established in the city of Hartford, CT in 2005 to Support, Empower, and Rebuild the lives of individuals and families we serve. As a collective group of culturally competent and diverse professionals consisting of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, Fatherhood Engagement Support Staff, Parent Educators, Therapeutic Support Specialists, and Professional Human Service Practitioners we aim to advocate, empower, and strengthen the lives of all individuals and families we serve keeping in mind our mission “To enable My People to help Your People so that Our People will succeed”.
- To read more about My People's click here!
Services Offered:
- Therapeutic Services: My People Clinical Services offers a wide range of Therapeutic Services for individuals and families in need of support, treatment or assessment by therapeutically trained individuals. Our service delivery encompass Individual Therapy, Family Therapy, Intensive Case Management, Parent Mentoring and Crisis Intervention.
- Individual Therapy: Individual psychotherapy provided to children, adolescents, and adults provided within the community or in an office setting to address emotional and/or behavioral problems. Sessions can be offered once or multiple times per week based on the level of intensive intervention required to stabilize or assist a client in reaching baseline or improved functioning.
- BHCA will be using the Career Edge programs as directed. The BHCA SYELP staff when hired will then make recommendations as to what they feel will benefit their Tier level.
- BHCA is working to address mental health needs and soft skills development. BHCA is also incorporating techniques for stress management and cognitive comprehension exploration as well as building a base by way of youth organizing to highlight community needs, increase voter registration and advocating for systemic change through census tracking.
Boys and Girls Club of Hartford:

- BGC is providing virtual live Job Readiness training, financial literacy, job shadows, career panels, guest speakers, college tours and individual career planning sessions as well as internships and opportunities for current members. The website at bgchartford.org will link to the virtual club.
- Career Resources is offering STRIVE Online (job readiness training).
- They also offer Virtual Job Fairs, Virtual Career Counseling and Coaching, and Virtual Job Placement.
Center for Latino Progress:

- CLP is providing virtual Zoom Meetings (Groups and Assignments based on Employment sectors), Customer Service Classes (possible NRF certification), Post-Secondary counseling (one-on-one and small groups), Links to WorkKeys curriculum (to prepare for NCRC credential), Guest speakers and/or panels for career exploration, and work in virtual Bike Safety classes.
Community Renewal Team (CRT):

- The full array of CRT programming, including a “profile of services” that summaries specific services offered and eligibility criteria, including BHS services, financial literacy classes, YouthBuild, and general case management supports.
- These resources are available at www.crtct.org
- COMPASS is offering virtual Groups (CBT, Fitness Group, Girls Group), Virtual case management, Virtual Zoom Meetings. COMPASS will assist with goal setting and preparation for long term goals and has a partnership with virtual UBC Creative Media Design Academy.
CT Center for Advanced Technology (CCAT):
- CCAT’s manufacturing awareness and information site, www.ctdidi.com, provides information regarding manufacturing careers, training, events, and more. CCAT offer a free online manufacturing careers newsletter for young adults.
CT Data Collaborative/ Hartford Data Collaborative:
- CT Data Collaborative and the HDC will provide data on how many youth/families have access to broadband internet and data on barriers to employment in times of COVID-19 (transportation, childcare, etc.). CDC will assist in integrating data between HOYC agencies and the HPS to identify youth who are connected to an agency and flag youth who are not connected.
Forge City Works:
- Forge City Works can offer an array of services including Serv Safe Food Handler and Allergens certifications; supplementary training activities and resources; facilitated interactive zoom meetings around job readiness, personal development, and culinary with guest speakers, virtual worksite tours, and peer-hosted breakout zooms; virtual coaching and 1-on-1 guidance; incentive-earning virtual activities from custom Learn & Earn menu; resume support and development, and online job search resources for WIOA program participants.
Hartford Job Corps:
- The Hartford Job Corps provides virtual groups and distance learning in all areas including HSD, Clinical Medical Assistant, Manufacturing, Insurance, and Driver’s Education. There is continued application processing for prospective applicants.
Hartford Public Library:

- HPL provides the American Place English Club Google Classroom for English Language Learners who are newcomers to Hartford, Gr. 9-12. HPL also offers English Discoveries, an individualized, self-paced online English instruction, and a Cisco Academy online course that prepares youth and adults for jobs in IT.
Hartford Public Schools:
- The Hartford Public Schools provides a Summer Virtual Credit Recovery Program. Our Piece of the Pie OPP supports numerous options including Virtual Learn and Earn Opportunities (i.e. CCDT, Leadership, Financial Capabilities, Social & Emotional Learning, Mental Wellness, Civic Engagement, Guest Speakers Representing Various Sectors, High School Bridging, Post-Secondary Awareness, Career Exploration & Planning, Entrepreneurship, & Social Media Challenges). OPP will also offer Project-Based Activities and Traditional Internships Opportunities. The OPP website: opp.org.
The Village for Children and Families:

- The Village has virtual financial and career coaching (ages 18+, Bi-lingual available), Virtual VITA tax preparation, Telehealth behavioral and mental health counseling, Rapid Response Program.
- These resources can be accessed at thevillage.org.
- The Village also offers Summer enrichment programming for youth. Family Resource Center programming for families. Both resources are available at multiple sites throughout the city.
United Way of Central & Northeastern CT:
- The United Way website displays some of our partner agencies that focus on young adults training programs such as OPP, Urban League, and Literacy Volunteers of Greater Hartford.
Urban League of Greater Hartford:
- Urban League provides virtual college and career readiness resources and supports related to career exploration, youth employment/internship opportunities, financial literacy, personal branding, and group mentoring activities.
- Online resources supporting career exploration include: Onetonline.org and mynextmove.org
URISE Ventures:

- URISE Ventures offers virtual financial education programs including personal finance, business math programs.
- Keep up to date on Up Your Hustle, Youth Pitches, Business Boot Camps, Financial Fairs, and more found on the Facebook webpage.
Wheeler Clinic:
- Wheeler Clinic provides Telehealth, behavior and mental health counseling, bi-lingual availability, Care coordination services, yoga, and mindfulness classes.
The Justice Education Center, Inc.:
- The Justice Education Center offers online and hands-on training while students are out of the school building (and perhaps even once they go back).
Misc (Khan Academy):
- A general resource providing free, world-class education for anyone. Free online classes ranging from high school math, computer programming, life skills, history, reading, language, the arts, and more found at Khan Academy.
Upcoming Events:
- Carl Guerriere from Capital Community College wants you to Save the Date for Capital Collaborates taking place on Friday, March 26 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. They are pulling together a coalition of Hartford stakeholders committed to reducing poverty through collective impact.
Fun-At Home Activities:
Looking for something fun to do at home with your friends or siblings! Check out the options below.- Learning Library
- You can create science projects from the comfort of your own home!
- Want to make your own sweet treat? How about Rock Candy from Scratch?
- Interested in trying your own Do It Yourself project?
- Click here for 75 fun DIY projects.
Current News: Please check back.Archived News: July 1, 2020
- Press Release: Summer Youth Funding Announcement